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De Sims abracadabra heeft agelopen weekend tijdens de Power Unlimited Gameplay de 'Kidsweek Award' gewonnen!

Duizenden lezers van Kidsweek, de krant voor jonge mensen, hebben in augustus en september gestemd op hun favoriete game. En dat was...De Sims abracadabra!

en daar zijn we natuurlijk supertrots op!

The Sims 3

De winnaars van de Sims 2 muismat van afgelopen week nog eens netjes op een rij:

  • 15 sept: mizzx14
  • 14 sept: iovanni
  • 13 sept: Lam6
  • 12 sept: Remco
  • 11 sept: Shanna
  • 10 sept: hipie133
  • 09 sept: MoChInOo
  • 08 sept: GIRLGAMERTJE
De Sims 2

Greetings, Sims Fans,

Can you feel it? Do you feel a tingling sensation in your stomach that's radiating throughout your whole body? You know what that is? It's your body's way of saying, "There's less than one week left until you can rush to the store and pick up The Sims 2!"

"It's deeper, has more flexibility, it's more engrossing, and it's even easier to modify and expand."

Ya gotta read the review!

"The Sims 2 is a brilliant simulation but also a wonderful caricature of life in general."

IGN Said What?

"The Sims 2 is as big as life as and as consuming. At heart, and with heart, it is a masterpiece." Look for The Sims 2 on the cover of the new issue of Computer Gaming World this week!

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first annual "Sim-Limpic Games," little tiny virtual sports played with little tiny virtual people."

Watch The Opening Ceremonies

What's worse than living in the desert surrounded by whackos, half-breed aliens, and the potential risk of being abducted, probed, and dropped back into the desert surrounded by all those "people?"

Join The Drama

We actually had the opportunity to visit with Maxis vice president Lucy Bradshaw earlier today, who explained that using different objects or gestures in certain combinations may yield "interesting" results that weren't intuitively obvious?

Have A Seat With Lucy And GameSpot


