Just Arrived, All-New Summer Styles for Your Sims!

woensdag, juni 1, 2011 - 23:00

If only everyday were Summer and Summer were everyday. Get the hippest new fashions of the season with the all-new Everyday - Hot Summer Days Set.

Looking for new stuff? For the first time ever, your Sims can receive all-new interactions and exclsuive game benefits with our new premium content from The Sims 3 Store. Check out the Sharper Sim Foot Massager Chair today to see how premium content will allow your Sims to Live Better, Look Better, and Play Better!

Take the fresh new looks to the bedroom with the brand new Contemporary Comfort Bedroom Set and give your Sims contemporary styles in it's most comfortable form for the room that deserves it most -- the bedroom! Expand the contemporary styles to the living room with the all-new Contemporary Comfort Living Room Set and your Sims will be able to take in the summer season in style!

Or, you can get everything new for the month of June with just one click! The June 2011 Compilation includes the Contemporary Comfort Bedroom, Contemporary Comfort Living Room, 'Everyday - Hot Summer Days' Sets and the Sharper Sim Foot Massager Chair.

Check Out the New Looks Today!

The Sims 3 The Sims 3 The Sims 3 The Sims 3 The Sims 3

