Nieuwsarchief - 2010

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Electronic Arts Nederland en Codename Future starten op 21 oktober met 'De Sims™3 in de klas' een pilot van het landelijk programma Natuur & Milieu Educatie op de eerste van vijf middelbare scholen in Nederland. Voor het eerst in Nederland wordt een bekende videogame, die niet specifiek als lesmateriaal is ontwikkeld, gebruikt in het onderwijs.

Get ready to Play with Life with The Sims 3 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii and Nintendo DS! Create any Sim you can imagine, control their lives within a living neighborhood, and choose to bless or curse them with all-new Karma Powers!

Available on HD Consoles and Handhelds on October 26th!

Learn More!

The Sims Studio will be hosting its first ever Town Hall tonight at 7 P.M. (PDT) in San Francisco. For those of you who can’t make it, tune into our Facebook and Twitter pages for live updates.

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Hurry to The Sims 3 Store’s Daily Deal to grab a 2000 SimPoint bundle at an amazing price! Act now before the Daily Deal is gone, the offer is only good while supplies last.

Get Your Deal Now!

We’re celebrating the awesome worlds created by fellow Simmers! Join in on the celebration and download a player-made world or share yours with us!

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Just one week left until The Sims 3 comes to console and Late Night launches! Join us on Facebook for our Count Down Event. Can we reach 1.7 Million fans by then? Invite your friends to “Like” our page to celebrate the launch of these games!

Join us here

Let’s get a few things clear – Vampires in The Sims 3 Late Night do not twinkle, sparkle, or cry. Vampire men look like men and vampire women, well, they’re clearly girls. When in daylight they smolder with fire and are in deep trouble as they should be. They aren’t “beautiful” in the eyes of silly, adolescent girls.

Phew. I feel better now.

October is here, which means that EA Game Cards are coming to a retailer near you!

This month, you can find the EA Game Card at the following retailers:
10/1: Blockbuster
10/26: Target
10/26: Walmart
10/29: Toys R Us
10/31 Best Buy

De Sims Studio in Californië houdt binnenkort haar allereerste Sims Town Hall meeting. Dit houdt in dat de Studio haar deuren open zet en alle Sims fans welkom zijn om tijd door te brengen met de ontwikkelaars van De Sims.

Er worden ook vragen beantwoord vanuit de community omdat die natuurlijk niet naar Amerika kunnen afreizen.


